how long does it take to get a cosmetology license


Are you looking for a career where you could change people’s appearances and allow them to feel their best? Cosmetologists provide haircutting, hairstyling, and a range of other beauty services1. But how long does it take to get a cosmetology license? It’s a profession that indulges your sense of creativity by designing styles and performing services that could make your clients happy with the way they look.

Are you ready to begin cosmetology training classes but are unsure how long it takes? Cosmetologist training requirements can vary depending on the state you are in. Most training programs are a combination of classroom and hands-on education that could provide a breadth of skills needed to become a successful cosmetologist.

But you may be asking about the requirements and program length of cosmetology training. It’s an important part of the cosmetologist career path to accumulating the needed training and instructional hours to move forward. So, we’ll help answer “How long does it take to get a cosmetology license?” and break down the Massachusetts cosmetology license requirements you should know about!



How long does it take to finish cosmetology school?

Before you get answers to the burning question, how long does it take to get a cosmetology license? It is important to first learn about the length of cosmetology school. You are ready to begin cosmetology training classes but worried about how long it might take. Most cosmetology schools can be finished faster than you think! These schools are set-up to maximize your time in education and training to get you into a salon or other beauty industry setting quickly.

So how long does it take to finish cosmetology school? Many cosmetology programs can be completed with just 1,000 clock hours of instruction. That’s the time required for Massachusetts cosmetology license requirements overseen by the Board of Registration of Cosmetologists of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

Although 1,000 hours may seem like a long time to fulfill the Massachusetts cosmetology license requirements, there are so many exciting skills to learn that, upon completion, you could be confident in your ability to achieve your cosmetology license and turn that passion for beauty into a rewarding career!


What to expect in cosmetology training classes

Cosmetology training classes are designed to help prepare you for both the examination and for the daily responsibilities and duties you could encounter on the job. As part of your cosmetology courses, you can expect hands-on experience working to build a strong foundation of skills.

Cosmetology training classes could allow you the opportunity to learn:

  • Cosmetology Theory
  • Manicuring
  • Hair straightening and permanent waving
  • Shampooing
  • Finger waving
  • Skincare
  • Facial grooming
  • Dyes and bleaching
  • Haircutting

Cosmetologists also provide scalp and facial treatments and makeup analysis2. Some also clean and style wigs and hairpieces. Providing hair treatments and treatments for specific skin types could also be part of your typical duties. In addition, most cosmetologists recommend professional hair care products or salon hair care products. These skills and techniques gained by cosmetology training classes aim to make clients feel good about their appearance and boost their confidence.


Massachusetts cosmetology license requirements | How long does it take to get a cosmetology license in MA?

If you are in Massachusetts and are looking to become a cosmetologist there are certain requirements you must meet. 1,000 clock hours of instruction are needed to meet the Massachusetts cosmetology license hours requirement.

Once the certificate program is completed successfully you must take the State Board of Cosmetology Licensing Exam. But don’t worry – cosmetology training classes are designed to help provide you with the skills and knowledge to complete the certification process and get you on the way to your cosmetology career.


Cosmetology training classes at Mildred Elley

If you have decided that cosmetology training classes are a good fit, then you’ll need to find a beauty school that has the hands-on training and instruction needed to embrace a beautiful future in cosmetology.

Mildred Elley has a team of experienced instructors that strive to provide quality career education and technical training to students who wish to pursue their dream profession. We aim for quality skills training and placement opportunities so you could potentially become a licensed cosmetologist.

Begin your cosmetology training classes at Mildred Elley and you could have the opportunity to learn under experienced cosmetologists and in our salon. You’ll gain hands-on experience with real-world clients. Our schools offer students financial aid and scholarships for those who qualify and lifetime job placement assistance. We also offer a flexible school schedule to help maximize your time in school to get the Massachusetts cosmetology license hours efficiently.

The Cosmetology Certificate program at Mildred Elley provides the 1,000 clock hours of instruction needed to fulfill the Massachusetts cosmetology license hours requirements. You could earn your certificate and complete your training sooner than you think! Get started on your future career with cosmetology training classes with Mildred Elley.




If you’re ready to get started with your career CONTACT US to begin your training!