Cosmetology Certificate Program



Cosmetology Certificate Program at Mildred Elley

At Mildred Elley, our Cosmetology Certificate program could give you the hands-on training you need to succeed in the cosmetology industry. As a student in our program, you will be able to learn from our licensed and experienced instructors and gain valuable feedback on your skills and technique. Your cosmetology education will cover a variety of skills including manicuring, hair styling, hair coloring, waxing, skin treatments, and more!

Cosmetology Certificate Program and Locations:

If you are looking for cosmetology schools in MA, then Mildred Elley’s cosmetology program in Pittsfield, MA could be the right place for you!

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Mildred Elley

Why Choose Mildred Elley for Your Cosmetology Education

Our Cosmetology Certificate program is accredited by the Board of Registration of Cosmetologists of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. As part of our education requirements, the program requires 1,000 clock hours of instruction. Upon successful completion of the Cosmetology Certificate program, students can sit for the State Board of Cosmetology Licensing Exam in MA.

As a student in this certificate program, you will have the opportunity to learn under experienced cosmetologists in our salons and gain hands-on experience with real-world clients. Mildred Elley’s curriculum is designed to teach you a broad range of techniques, all to make clients feel good about their appearance and boost their confidence. After successfully completing your training, you could have the opportunity to become a skilled cosmetologist in the beauty industry.


Cosmetology Skills You Could Learn at Mildred Elley

Cosmetologist duties may vary from site-to-site, but these skilled professionals typically provide scalp and facial treatments and makeup analysis1. Most cosmetologists actively recommend professional hair care products or salon hair care products as well2.

The courses in our program allow students to be creative while helping them build a strong foundation of skills they may need in their future career path. The Cosmetology Certificate classes include training in a variety of topics including:

  • Skincare
  • Haircutting
  • Manicuring
  • Hair straightening
  • Permanent waving
  • Shampooing
  • Curling
  • And more!

The Cosmetology training program at our Pittsfield, MA campus provides the opportunity to learn in an engaging environment. By giving hands-on experiences in our on-campus salons, and comprehensive in-class instruction, our training helps you hone your current skill set while also growing your customer service skills.

Our team of experienced instructors strives to provide quality career education and technical training to students who wish to pursue their dream profession. We aim for quality skills training and placement opportunities so you could potentially become a licensed cosmetologist (given the student meets the state’s licensing requirements). Why not join us!


Cosmetology Certificate Program Benefits

By enrolling in our Cosmetology Certificate program, students will receive a quality higher education experience and have access to some of the most advanced beauty training available.

Mildred Elley offers students the following benefits:

  • Financial Aid & Scholarships for Those Who Qualify
  • Lifetime Job Placement Assistance
  • Flexible School Schedule
  • Free Career Assessment

Enroll in the Cosmetology Certificate program at Mildred Elley today and take the first step to start a new career in the world of beauty.


Lifetime Job Placement Assistance

After graduating from Mildred Elley with a Cosmetology Certificate, enjoy our lifetime job placement assistance. We hope to see YOU pursue a rewarding career in the beauty industry!



For a list of our program accreditations, please visit here.






Available Campuses

Explore the Cosmetology Certificate available at our Pittsfield, MA campus!


Got Questions?

Are you ready to become an elite member of a beauty team?  Request information today!

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If you’re ready to get started with your career CONTACT US to begin your training!